Tuesday, November 10, 2009

10 on the 10th!

I have done on the other blog that I write on...So I thought I would bring it to Willing Hands! I had a hard time to decide what 10 things to write about...
Here are a couple I thought of;
10 -- Good Devotional sites
10 -- Crafty Blogs
10 -- Ways to be Crafty without the hot glue gun (That is for Dawn)

SO I decided to do the crafty blog sites...
Here you are!

1) Sew,Mama,Sew! which is mainly a sewing site...but they do have recipes and other crafts on there as well.

2) Linaloo she has LOTS of different things!

3) Life at 7000ft she has a LOT of crafty ways to do meals

4)Craftapalooza tons of different tutorials on here...

5) Our Best Bites TONS of recipes!!!

6) a sew groovy chick she has a fabulous ideas about fabric!!!

7) Up Up, The Blog she has a store...but GREAT paper ideas for gifts.

8) (un)Deniably Domestic she writes, bakes, sews, knits

9) Bonnie well...we know her! She is in our church!

10) Katrina well...that is me!

So the last 2 were just there...I am sure I could find other blogs that would fill these 2 spots. But have fun reading there side bar (and then read other blogs) Find your crafty side and enjoy!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Devotional from Last meeting...

Darlys shared a devotional for us this past meeting. So for your remembering or looking at it the first time pleasure. We would love to help you outside of Willing Hands...please just let us know and we will get back to you!

Out with “Turkey Day” In with “Thanksgiving Day”

Willing Hands Devotion, November 3, 2009

What’s the 1st thing you think of when I say Thanksgiving?

The last few weeks I’ve focused on things in my life that could be better and not on all the blessings I do have. Pastor Brian hit home with his comment Sunday on no matter where you stand today, you are so much better off than much of the rest of the world.

Knowing that many of us as women create the atmosphere of each holiday by what we bring to conversation or how we host the entire gathering, I though it would be appropriate to have a devotion about thanksgiving.

“Sandwiched somewhere between Halloween and Christmas is a Thursday holiday that is slowly becoming more miniscule in the minds of millions of Americans Thanksgiving. If you search hard, you might find one small section of Thanksgiving cards, autumn decorations, and a turkey platter amid the aisles and miles of Halloween costumes, Christmas decorations, and toys.

For some, Thanksgiving is a day to get a list together prior to a day of marathon Christmas shopping. Somehow our perception of Thanksgiving Day has gone askew. We've forgotten the reason for celebration that first Thanksgiving. Gratitude for survival!

Historically we think of Thanksgiving as a time of feasting for the Pilgrims and Indians. In the fall of 1621, the Pilgrims had been in America less than a year. During those months, over half their original population died from disease or starvation. The Pilgrims hosted the first feast not to try out their latest recipes, but to celebrate life with their Indian friends and give thanks to God for His provision in difficult circumstances.” Taken from website: http://www.cbn.com/spirituallife/devotions/Arrington_Thanksgiving.aspx

Perhaps you'd like to redirect your family toward an attitude of thankfulness this year.

Psalm 106:1- " Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever." This means that we should thank God everyday and for everything because he is merciful. By giving thanks to Him you will never feel away from God.

Thessalonians 5:18 - "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God."
This verse talks about the power of faith and thanksgiving. It says that you must believe in God's will and should trust Him because only He knows what is good for you. Once you will start trusting His will, you will give thanks for everything which happens.

Some people are substituting “Turkey Day” for Thanksgiving. It may be because they are not aware that there is anyone to thank. As a result, the most important thing about the holiday is the food. Christians know there is someone to thank and so many things to be thankful for. We can help bring the thankfulness back into the holiday. Here are some suggestions; perhaps we could pick one that fits our Thanksgiving holiday situation.

· Share scripture readings and discuss in light of today’s culture. In addition to one share, a few others are in the Appendix.

· The group can hold hands and share a prayer circle, with individuals taking turns thanking God for blessings in their lives.

· All members of the group may be given tasks or responsibilities to help with preparing the meal. Insert the idea throughout the day that kitchen duties are a privilege. It means we have food to eat and a place to eat it!

· Reflect on blessings over the last 10 years, the last year and the last week as a group. You may think about making the discussion a game. For example, you can spell Thanksgiving Day as a group. The 1st person thinks of something they are thankful for that starts with “T”, the 2nd person “H” and so on. For a more challenging twist, the 2nd person repeats the first person’s blessing and adds his. The third person repeats the 1st and 2nd and adds hers. Etc.

· Try to keep the tone of the day focused on Thanksgiving, not Christmas lists, Christmas preparations, etc. There is a whole month following Thanksgiving to discuss and prepare for the Christmas holiday. Keep Thanksgiving about thanking God for all he has provided.

Thanksgiving Day is a holiday of thankfulness for what God has given us and not just a Thursday between Halloween and Christmas that’s all about the turkey and dressing.

The next meeting is November 17th. We also are going to "head" up the FFY Dinner for Thanksgiving. That will be held on the 25th. PLEASE stay tuned to church brochures, blog, e-mails & information about helping serve these youth right here in our city. If you would like more info you can easily leave a comment with your e-mail...and I will get back with you and with what needs to be done.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Bonnie's fave crafty sites (a few of them)

There are soooo many that I like to peek in on, but here are afew of my favorites. They are filled with ideas and free tutorials.

Sew, Mama, Sew! This one is having a 3rd round of Handmade Holidays and each day of November they have a posting that has links to free tutorials by category. Lots and lots of neat ideas! Not just sewing ideas either! They have things like knitting, bath products etc.

One Pretty Thing has multiple categories each day that range from kid crafts and paper crafts to sewing and knitting. It links to the tutorial on the original blog.

Whip Up

Crafting a Green World does eco friendly crafts.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

October 20 meeting

I found the devotional for tonights meeting after being inspired by a verse in the description of a Proverbs 31 woman.

Proverbs 31:20 - She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.

Two verses were refered to in my Bible.

Deuteronomy 15:11 - There will always be poor people in the land. Therfore I caommnad you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.

Ephesians 4:28 - He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands, that he may have something to share with those in need.

So with that inspiration I put a search in online and came up with a devotional from Julia Bettencourt's blog.

Making a Difference
by Julia Bettencourt

"And of some have compassion, making a difference" Jude 1:22

The holidays are a great time to find a charity or needy cause to bestow our good deeds on. Some people relish in that and I admire them for it, but sometimes I think that is all some of us have---seasonal compassion. Oh to have the heart and desire to do good all the time. To look at people the way Jesus did. When he looked at the multitudes, He was "moved with compassion".

"But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd." Matthew 9:36

Not only did Christ see the people with compassion, but He was prompted to do something about it. He healed the sick and lame, fed the multitudes, and genuinely cared about people and about their souls. Look how He dealt with the Samaritan woman at the well. He knew all the things that had entangled her life and He took the time to let her know about the Living Water. Remember the man no one could control and went around cutting himself and crying in the tombs in Mark chapter five? Basically a crazy man running through the graveyards acting crazy. He was possessed with unclean spirits. We probably would have ran in the other direction. Most of us don't like dealing with the "crazies" of this world, but Christ cared for them. Christ went about making a difference in everything He did and with everyone He met on this earth.Our verse in Jude 1:22 is one of those verses that always just reaches out and grabs me with conviction.

"And of some have compassion, making a difference"Jude 1:22.

How much compassion do I have? How much of a difference am I making in this world? Do I encourage people? Do I share Christ like I should? Do I care for people's needs? Am I a blessing to others? I trust I can be a woman that makes a difference.

Here are a few examples of women in the Bible that made a difference:

Esther. Esther was one of those women who was right where God wanted her to be at the right time. Do you realize she even held her tongue when she was supposed to? That's kind of hard for some of us. Remember she didn't tell anyone her family heritage or who her people were until the right time? Because of the way she lived her life she saved her people. She had an impact.

The Shunammite Woman. This woman made the first "prophet's chamber" for Elisha. She did what she could for the man of God (II Kings 4). She was a blessing.

Rahab. Now Rahab wasn't the most respected woman in town but God gives us her story for a reason, maybe to show us what a difference she made. In Joshua 2 she hid the two men that Joshua had sent out to spy on Jericho. She saved them from being found out. She did some good.

Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Mary was a woman who was willing to be used of God. If an angel came to us like with Mary to tell us we'd be carrying the Christ Child, what would be our reaction? "Whoa! Not me." "Get someone else to do it." "I'll pass on this one!" Mary led a pure life and was tender to God's calling. She was willing.

Have you ever noticed the epitaphs on headstones? "Beloved Mother" "Loving Son" and all sorts of things designed to reflect what those people were. It may be kind of a morbid topic but we are all going to die eventually unless the Lord comes back first. What will we have done with our earthly lives? Yes it will be wonderful to get to heaven someday but God left us here for a purpose. What kind of mark will you and I as Christian women leave on this world?

So, are you making a difference?

Copyright ©2001-2009 Julia Bettencourt
Scripture References are from the King James Version.

Lots is getting done on the blue quilt that Mary Cecil is leading! We are all excited about the possibilities for gifting the finished product. We talked about adopting a family for Christmas and other opportunities that we would have year round.

I pray that God would help you to find a way to make a difference every day!

Have a blessed day!


Friday, October 16, 2009

Devo from Meeting #2

Sorry for the delay of this posting...but my house has been taken over by an almost 14 month old.
Here is the Devotion that I did at meeting number 2.
Hope you enjoy it. I have borrowed it from Julia Bettencourt.

The Inviting Colors of Fall

" But if our gospel be hid,
it is hid to them that are lost" 2 Corinthians 4:3

Many people are drawn to fall colors. Fall colors are warm, vibrant, extraordinarily rich, and energetic. I wonder how appealing I am as a Christian? Do other people gravitate to me because I am a warm, vibrant, and inviting person?

There's just something about the trees that are full of red leaves glistening in the sun. It's just extraordinary. They stick out and you notice them. Red brings up the thought of passion. No matter where we are in our Christian walk, I think we all could do with a little more passion for Christ. We should stick out in a good way. We should reflect all that brilliance of Christ.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Matthew 5:16

The color orange is so beautiful in the fall. We see it in not just the fall leaves, but in those beautiful pumpkins as well. Orange reflects warmth and symbolizes thoughtfulness and sincerity. As Christians that's something we should portray. We should be that warm inviting person that cares about others.

And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. Ephesians 4:32

The yellow color of fall makes me happy. Yellow conjures up joy and cheerfulness. I don't really think that if we aren't cheerful as Christians, other people will want what we have. If we have Christ, we should have joy in our hearts and that joy should reflect out through us. It's listed right there in Galatians along with the other fruit of the spirit that we should be bearing.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering,gentleness, goodness, faith,Meekness, temperance:against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22,23

"Speaking from personal experience of my not so great weekend. On late Friday night I shut my garage door WITH my other garage door openers on the inside of the garage...I couldn't get in at all. PLUS I had to wait until Monday to get my car back. It was not the best of experiences in my life. However due to my church family & friends I was able to get a ride to church on Sunday...I acted 'Joyful' on Sunday when people asked how life was going with Rick in Colorado. I was NOT 'Joyful' I am sure the more this gets past me then I will laugh about it...however it still not the best memory I have."

Some of the colors we see in fall are the shades of purple. Leaves we find in the purple family are so striking. Purple is the color of royalty. As Christians, we are royalty in Christ. Our behavior should reflect that royalty. We should be striking as Christians.

The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. Romans 8:16,17

If we didn't have all that brown in the midst of the bright fall colors, I doubt if they'd be so brilliant. Brown represents stability and it anchors all those other beautiful colors of fall. In Christ, we have our anchor. Others can see if we are living for Christ and depending on Him in our lives. It comes out in our actions and behavior.

As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving. Colossians 2:6,7

Showing Christ through our behavior is so important in our witness to others . Our "colors" do matter. How we act and behave is what people see when they look at us. I hope I grow to have a beautiful, warm, and inviting life in Christ. I don't want Christianity to be hid from the world because of me. I want to portray vibrancy and warmth so that people will want to get to know me and learn about Christ through me.

So, what colors are you projecting?

I would like to add seeing that this Life Group is a crafting group...PICK your favorite fall color or even all of the colors and make something from that! Be Creative and enjoy being crafty! Again the next meeting is THIS Tuesday the 20th at 6:30pm. However I will not be there. But Mary & Bonnie will be so come out and sew or get your hands on making that quilt!
Mary Brown, Mary Cecil, Rosalie & Summer doing the quilting...Bonnie is in the background sewing.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Proverbs 31 Woman... A Financially Productive Woman

When I read the devotional sent to me from Proverbs 31 Ministries, it made me think of this group so I wanted to share it with you.

"She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes." Proverbs 31:24 (NIV)

Go here to read it.

Have a blessed day!


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thankful for MARY JO...

Mary Jo brought us this wonderful Stromboli at our first Willing Hands meeting and she has agreed to share with us the recipe. So we are very thankful for Mary Jo on this Thursday (even though we ate it on Tuesday:)

I make a recipe for 2 loaves of bread for the base, but frozen bread dough will also work. One loaf per roll. This recipe is for 2 rolls.

Brown together
1# of Italian Sausage (or meat of your choice)
1/2 onion, diced.
2 cloves of garlic, minced,
1/2 head of cabbage, cut in narrow

Roll out the bread dough on a lightly floured surface to approximately 9x13 inch rectangle.

Sprinkle the dough with grated cheddar cheese.
Add the meat mixture, leaving a 1 inch margin on one side
Sprinkle the meat mixture with mozarella cheese.
Roll up the dough. Pinch the edges together. Wash the dough with egg white, thinned slightly with water.

Bake at 350* for 25-30 minutes

An aside: individual servings could be made with the frozen bread rolls to control calories. Turkey sausage could be used to reduce the fat. It could be amended easily to accommodate points, calories, etc.

I sometimes make this recipe, freeze one and serve one. I reheat the frozen one for 45 minutes at 200*, or defrost and then reheat.

Bon Apetite. ~~ Mary Jo Hudson

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Our first meeting...

This is from Mary Cecil little introduction to Willing Hands.

Welcome to all of you to Willing Hands Life Group. Bonnie, Katrina & I are very excited about this group and we hope you are too.
I am going to share a little about how this came about. Over the summer, Bonnie & I started getting together to make quilts. She and Evie would come and spend a chunk of the day and we had a lot of fun getting acquainted and working on projects together. We started talking about how wonderful it would be if we could create this same experience for others and have a creative group at church. We heard that Katrina was thinking a long the same lines so we decided to come together and just brain storm on creating this group. We came up with about 5 things we think that this group is about.
#1 - It's about building relationships with other women. Even though there is quite an age gap between Bonnie and I, I think we really gained something from spending time with each other. You might think that since I am the older one then I am the one mentoring Bonnie, but I hope I am humble enough to always be learning, even from someone younger than I am. We hope that even though we are meeting as a group that you can make a personal one on one connection with someone, even have times when you meet outside of this group.
#2 - We think it is the kind of life group you can bring a friend to that doesn't go to church and gently introduce them to church life. Many women want fellowship and creativity in their lives and would feel comfortable coming to this group.
#3 - There has been a long history of women using their creative talents to bless others and we envision working together as a team to make things to help others. An example of this was the fair this year they had a room set up where people could come and help make quilts. I think they made 140 quilts which they are donating to an organization that has summer camps for kids whose parents are in prison. They will be given away to those kids at camp. Many hands make light work. The ideas for this could be endless. One idea is if we have families that we are helping at Christmas this year then we could take a family and part of what we do is make things for that family.
#4 - We believe God is the creator and He created us in HIS image and likeness. Since we are created like Him we believe that characteristic of being creative is in all of us. It just needs to be discovered and built upon. We want to encourage women to tap into that creative part of them. I was 40 years old when I discovered what my creative nitch was. You are never to young or old to discover it.
#5 - We want our group to be spiritually inspiring. We think this can happen naturally as we visit and relate life's experiences with each other. We are going to have a very short time when we share an inspirational thing. Nothing too spiritually deep, but can touch the heart of anyone we might bring.

--again taken from Mary Cecil...stay tuned for more information from our first meeting!

Friday, September 11, 2009

The 1st of the blogging...

Welcome to the blog!
As we had our leader meeting today; Mary, Bonnie & myself. We have come up with our Life Group name.

"She seeks wool and flax,
and works with willing hands."

-English Standard Version
Taken from Proverbs 31:13

We will be meeting on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month at Lifehouse Community Church in Urbandale, Iowa. We want all the ladies in the church to feel welcome as well as bringing other women that are new to the church. Ladies even if you say "I don't have a specific craft but would love to learn." This Life Group is FOR YOU!!! Or if you say "I don't have time to learn or work on a craft" We have set up THIS time for you.

~~So please come out on September 15th (which is actually this Tuesday) the meeting is from 6:30-8:30 (doors will open 6:15 if you want to come early)
~~We are going to have a show & tell so please bring something that you have worked on if you would like share it with everyone.
~~Figure out what you would like to make with your "willing hands"
~~If you have an idea then PLEASE bring that with you even it comes from a book, magazine or else where.
~~If you are stuck on something, that we might be able to help then bring it.
~~Please bring a snack to share if you would like.

Mary is a great quilter.
Bonnie loves to sew.
I love to knit as well as make other stuff (ribbon boards, photography and paint)

We can't wait to see you Tuesday the 15th at 6:30!