Wednesday, October 21, 2009

October 20 meeting

I found the devotional for tonights meeting after being inspired by a verse in the description of a Proverbs 31 woman.

Proverbs 31:20 - She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.

Two verses were refered to in my Bible.

Deuteronomy 15:11 - There will always be poor people in the land. Therfore I caommnad you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.

Ephesians 4:28 - He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands, that he may have something to share with those in need.

So with that inspiration I put a search in online and came up with a devotional from Julia Bettencourt's blog.

Making a Difference
by Julia Bettencourt

"And of some have compassion, making a difference" Jude 1:22

The holidays are a great time to find a charity or needy cause to bestow our good deeds on. Some people relish in that and I admire them for it, but sometimes I think that is all some of us have---seasonal compassion. Oh to have the heart and desire to do good all the time. To look at people the way Jesus did. When he looked at the multitudes, He was "moved with compassion".

"But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd." Matthew 9:36

Not only did Christ see the people with compassion, but He was prompted to do something about it. He healed the sick and lame, fed the multitudes, and genuinely cared about people and about their souls. Look how He dealt with the Samaritan woman at the well. He knew all the things that had entangled her life and He took the time to let her know about the Living Water. Remember the man no one could control and went around cutting himself and crying in the tombs in Mark chapter five? Basically a crazy man running through the graveyards acting crazy. He was possessed with unclean spirits. We probably would have ran in the other direction. Most of us don't like dealing with the "crazies" of this world, but Christ cared for them. Christ went about making a difference in everything He did and with everyone He met on this earth.Our verse in Jude 1:22 is one of those verses that always just reaches out and grabs me with conviction.

"And of some have compassion, making a difference"Jude 1:22.

How much compassion do I have? How much of a difference am I making in this world? Do I encourage people? Do I share Christ like I should? Do I care for people's needs? Am I a blessing to others? I trust I can be a woman that makes a difference.

Here are a few examples of women in the Bible that made a difference:

Esther. Esther was one of those women who was right where God wanted her to be at the right time. Do you realize she even held her tongue when she was supposed to? That's kind of hard for some of us. Remember she didn't tell anyone her family heritage or who her people were until the right time? Because of the way she lived her life she saved her people. She had an impact.

The Shunammite Woman. This woman made the first "prophet's chamber" for Elisha. She did what she could for the man of God (II Kings 4). She was a blessing.

Rahab. Now Rahab wasn't the most respected woman in town but God gives us her story for a reason, maybe to show us what a difference she made. In Joshua 2 she hid the two men that Joshua had sent out to spy on Jericho. She saved them from being found out. She did some good.

Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Mary was a woman who was willing to be used of God. If an angel came to us like with Mary to tell us we'd be carrying the Christ Child, what would be our reaction? "Whoa! Not me." "Get someone else to do it." "I'll pass on this one!" Mary led a pure life and was tender to God's calling. She was willing.

Have you ever noticed the epitaphs on headstones? "Beloved Mother" "Loving Son" and all sorts of things designed to reflect what those people were. It may be kind of a morbid topic but we are all going to die eventually unless the Lord comes back first. What will we have done with our earthly lives? Yes it will be wonderful to get to heaven someday but God left us here for a purpose. What kind of mark will you and I as Christian women leave on this world?

So, are you making a difference?

Copyright ©2001-2009 Julia Bettencourt
Scripture References are from the King James Version.

Lots is getting done on the blue quilt that Mary Cecil is leading! We are all excited about the possibilities for gifting the finished product. We talked about adopting a family for Christmas and other opportunities that we would have year round.

I pray that God would help you to find a way to make a difference every day!

Have a blessed day!


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